Most common terms we should know in TypeScript

Most common terms we should know in TypeScript


3 min read

  1. Type Inference

    Type inference in TypeScript is the ability of the TypeScript compiler to automatically determine the type of a variable, expression, or function based on its value or usage without the need for explicit type annotations.

     const name = 'Alice';
     // TypeScript infers name type as string
     function sum(a: number, b: number) {
         return a + b;
     // TypeScript infers return type of function sum as number
  2. Type Alias

    Type alias is simply a name for any type. It allows us define complex types in a more readable and reusable manner by using type keyword:

     type ID = numer | string;
     type User = {
         id: ID;
         name: string;
         age: number;
  3. Type Annotation

    Type annotation is a way to explicitly specify the type of a variable, parameter or return value of a function.

     const name: string = 'Alice';
     function sum(nums: number[]): number => {...}
  4. Type Intersection

    Type intersection is used to combine multiple types into a single type using & operator. It is often used for object types.

     type Contact = {
         email: string;
         phone: number;
     type Person = {
         name: string;
         age: number
     type Customer = Contact & Person;
     // Equivalent to:
     type Customer = {
         email: string;
         phone: number;
         name: string;
         age: number
  5. Type Assertion

    Type assertion is used to explicitly specify a more specific type using the as keyword. It is helpful when TypeScript cannot determine the exact type to return, or when you want to override the type inferred by TypeScript.

     // Case: TypeScript does not know return type
     const inputElement = document.getElementById('name') as HTMLInputElement;
     // Case: Overriding inferred type
     const response = (await fetch("/api/data")) as Response;
  6. Type Guard

    Type guard is a way to narrow down the type of a variable to a specific type before you perform operations on that value.

     // Using typeof operator
     function printLabel(code: number | string) {
         if(typeof code === 'number') {
             // TypeScript knows number is a string here
         if(typeof code === 'string') {
         // TypeScript knows string is a string here
  7. Type Compatibility

    Type compatibility is the mechanism to check whether one type can be assigned to another without causing type errors, based on their structure and properties.

     // Class
     interface Pet {
       name: string;
     class Dog {
       name: string;
     let pet: Pet;
     // OK, because of structural typing
     pet = new Dog();
     // Function
     let x = () => ({ name: "Alice" });
     let y = () => ({ name: "Alice", location: "Seattle" });
     x = y; // OK
     y = x; // Error, because x() lacks a location property
     // Generic
     interface Empty<T> {}
     let x: Empty<number>;
     let y: Empty<string>;
     x = y; // OK, because y matches structure of x
  8. Type Parameter

    A type parameter is used in generics and acts as an placeholder for an actual type when a generic type, function or class is used. In the example below, T is an type parameter:

     function identity<T>(value: T): T {
         return value;
  9. Type Narrowing

    Type narrowing in TypeScript is the process of refining the type of a value within a specific block of code.

     // Using in operator to narrow
     type Fish = { swim: () => void };
     type Bird = { fly: () => void };
     function move(animal: Fish | Bird) {
       if ("swim" in animal) {
         return animal.swim();
  10. Type Literal

    A type literal is a specific value or a set of specific values used as a type. It represents specific constants rather than general types like string, number or boolean.

    // String literal type
    type Department = 'engineer' | 'sale' | 'marketing';
    // Number literal type
    type HttpCode = 200 | 400 | 500;

    These are common terms and their practical example. I hope this article help you become more familiar with these terms when working with TypeScript.